
Friday, October 28, 2011

What is the Inspiration of Your Life? (Read Time: 3 min.)

Wal-Mart is such an interesting place to learn spiritual lessons.  Every time I drive by my local Wal-Mart, I see one or two homeless people standing at the curb with signs that read things like "Down and out.  Please help" or "Pregnant and no where to live.  Please help" or "Unemployed with five children.  Please help."  I see the look of despondence, the disheveled appearance, the lack of joy in the eyes of people who, whether they know it or not, are asking of life a certain price.  Part of me wonders "How did that person get there?" but a bigger part of me asks "Is that all they're willing to ask of life?" 

i've been in very low places.  I've hit rock bottom and I know what it feels like to wonder if your existence matters at all, if who you thought you were really makes a difference in this world.  So many of us define our lives by what other people think of us, say to us and need from us.  We do that so much that when we're not talked to or thought of or asked to do something, we feel irrelevant.  Here's the problem with that: who you are is so much bigger than what you do.  And when what you do is something you can no longer deliver, the definition of your life will go away if what you've defined as your essence was really simply a series of actions.

Let me get to the point:
No one can motivate you to live your life's purpose. 

There is no magic bill, book, audio, or seminar that will make you stand in your greatness and be the miracle that you are.  No other person can build your momentum for you.  You must choose to be the inspiration of your life.  You must look for and hold onto the thoughts, feelings, and ideas that will keep you closely aligned to what you were put here to do.  You will forget in tough times how great you are.  You will lose sight of the end goal when an obstacle knocks you off your feet.  You will have moments where you want to turn back because the road ahead is so scary in your sight and guess what?  It's in that moment that your fate is decided.

At some point, you've got to choose to believe PAST
what you see. 

What see is changing all of the time.  Every circumstance is temporary.  In one moment, it's there.  In the next, it's gone.  That's how it goes.  But if you buy into how you feel in this one moment, you'll set yourself up with choices that could last a lifetime. 

In any given circumstance, make sure you know two things:
1) How this circumstance fits into fulfilling your dreams
2) The perception with which you can AND will handle whatever comes.


 "When you change the way you look at things,
the things you look at change."

-Dr. Wayne Dyer

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